Nine causes of and solutions for tired legs when jogging

Running with tired, sore legs is something that discourages many runners.
You are not the only one who feels like your legs weigh a ton.

Many runners will experience heavy leg syndrome at some point in their lives. It is important not to let this stop you from running!

You should consider changing your training and approach to running if you feel your legs are feeling heavy or weak when you run.

You can get your running mojo back with simple fixes.

This guide will explore the following:

How do heavy legs affect running?
What are the signs of heavy legs while running?
Why do I have heavy legs while running?
Are you at high risk for developing heavy legs while running?
How to avoid heavy legs while running


Let’s get started!

How do heavy legs affect running?

A heavy leg feels stiff, tired, and heavy. It can also be described as feeling heavy and unable to lift or move forward.

Some describe heavy legs as feeling like they are dragging weights around with them.

What are the signs of heavy legs while running?

Although signs and symptoms of heavy running legs can vary, the most common symptoms are:

Tired, sore legs
Legs stiff and sore
Leg pain
Feeling heavy in your legs as if you have extra weight.

Why do I have heavy legs while running?

You might ask yourself, “Why are my legs feeling heavy while running?”

Sore and heavy legs can be caused by poor running form, overtraining, iron deficiency, and dehydration.

Here are some possible causes of heavy legs while running:

Excessive weight training
Not allowing enough time for recovery
Poor running form
Sleep deprivation
Poor nutrition
Poor circulation
Iron deficiency

#1. Overtraining

Heavy running for most runners is usually associated with heavy legs.

For example, if you are training for a long-distance event, you can feel ‘heavy legs’ if you run a lot each week.

Overtraining (e.g., Your legs might feel heavy if you run too many miles per week or don’t give yourself enough recovery time between runs.

However, overtraining does not necessarily mean that you should be doing a lot of miles in your training program.

It can also be linked with training plans that move too quickly or make giant leaps in training plans.

Overtraining can also be caused by doing too many things too quickly after an injury.

Overtraining can often lead to injury and illness. Don’t let your mind be deceived!

Take a break for some days, and then reduce your training until you feel better.

Pay attention to how your body feels during your run.

#2 Excessive weight-training

While strength training is essential for a strong, healthy runner, too much weight training can hurt your performance.

Heavy leg exercises can lead to delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which can leave you feeling heavy in your legs for up to three days.

Running performance can also be affected by DOMS.

#3. Not allowing enough time for recovery

Running with heavy legs is another common reason.

If you skip the post-run cooldown, don’t make active recovery between runs, or take rest days lightly, your legs may feel heavy.

#4. Poor running form

Poor running form can lead to heavy legs.

Running form is about running efficiently. It considers everything, from your posture to how you move your feet.

Poor running form, particularly regarding posture, footstrike, and cadence, can place extra stress on your body, leading to tired and heavy legs while running.

Here are some common causes for heavy legs while running:

You overstride. You overstride if you have a less cadence or a slow pace. This means your foot lands in front of your body while you run. This puts additional stress on your leg and foot. It would help if you aimed to have a shorter stride and a faster running cadence (which is how many steps you take per minute).
Your heel should touch the ground first. Your running form can be affected by how your foot strikes the ground (called footstrike). You can strain your hips and cause pain by striking your heel. Instead, try to hit your foot midfoot.
Your posture needs to be corrected. Running posture is about everything, from your head and shoulders to your feet and legs. Your core should be stable and balanced. Place your shoulders down, and your head relaxed. When running, your arms should be straight and not crossed. When running, keep your knees slightly bent.

#5. Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation can lead to many problems, including fatigue and heavy running.

A 2014 study that examined the relationship between exercise and sleeps concluded that adequate sleep is crucial for the recovery of the nervous, immune, skeletal, and muscular systems.

Poor or insufficient sleep can profoundly impact the health of almost all organ systems.

Athletes need seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Running a marathon with only a few hours of sleep is impossible.

Get a good night of sleep. Short afternoon naps can help you train better and feel more relaxed if your lifestyle doesn’t allow for at least seven hours of sleep a night.

#6. Poor nutrition

When it comes to running consistently week in, and week out, nutrition is crucial.

Regarding long-distance running, carbohydrate is a runner’s best friend, incredibly complex carbohydrates.

Your body converts carbs into energy (also called glycogen), which is then used by your muscles as an energy source.

You will only be able to run as long or far if you eat enough carbohydrates before running.

This can lead to tiredness, fatigue, and the familiar feeling of heavy legs.

#7. Poor circulation

Running with tired and heavy legs can be caused by poor circulation.

If enough blood is flowing to your muscles, you don’t have enough oxygen to turn into energy.

This is usually when you try to run longer distances than you can.

#8. Dehydration

Hydration is essential for any exercise, no matter how long or short.

Although each exercise’s required hydration levels differ, the ultimate goal is to replace any fluids lost through sweat.

A dry mouth, muscle cramps, and fatigue are all signs of dehydration (or not drinking enough water). You might feel tired or unable to run if you are dehydrated.

This can be overcome by listening to your body and drinking enough fluids throughout the day.

You should adjust your hydration if you are exercising more than usual. You may need to drink more fluids during hot runs due to the weather.

#9. Iron deficiency

It’s worth checking your iron levels if you experience fatigue, tiredness, and heavy legs while running.

Iron deficiency can cause heavy legs and a slower metabolism.

Although most runners consume enough iron, it can be difficult for some people to meet the required intake.

To maintain iron levels, a vegan or vegetarian diet should include a variety of iron-rich foods like dark leafy vegetables, pulses, and wholemeal bread.

Iron supplements in daily tablets are another option, but they shouldn’t be your only source.

Iron deficiency may be more common in female runners who have heavy periods.

You can identify iron deficiency by having your blood tested quickly by your doctor.

Are you at high risk for developing heavy legs while running?

If you are:

Don’t take rest days, or don’t give yourself enough time to recover
Poor running form
Poor circulation
A low-carb diet is recommended
Poor nutrition
Are dehydrated
Low iron levels

How to avoid heavy legs while running

#1 Warm up before you start running

You are warming up before running is essential to get your mind and body ready for the race.

You will also be less likely to sustain injuries or suffer stiffness or muscle soreness after a run.

Warm-ups should take between 15 and 20 minutes. It should include two parts.

Dynamic stretches
These will help you to mobilize your muscles and joints before a run.

Running drills may be an option.

#2 Recover from each run by cooling down

A cool down at the end of a run can help you lower your heart rate and stretch tightened or sore muscles.

Cool-down stretching, also known as static stretching, is when you keep the stretch at the end of its motion for approximately 20 to 45 seconds.

To reduce your heart rate and stretch your muscles, give yourself 10 minutes after each run.

Running involves running with your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, hips, and back. To alleviate pain or soreness, make sure to target every muscle group.

These are some examples of calm-down stretches you could do. You should hold the space for at most 20 seconds before you move on to the next stretch.

Deep lunge stretch
Standing quad stretch
Standing adductor stretch
Standing TFL stretch
Stretching your gluteal muscles by lying down
Standing calf stretch

#3 Foam roll

Foam rolling after a run is a great way to reduce muscle stiffness and soreness.

Foam rolling has one of the most significant benefits: it increases circulation and blood flow to your muscles.

Foam rolling also loosens your muscles. Foam rolling can make it difficult to run long distances and faster if your muscles are stiff.

Foam rolling can be used to warm up for a run or cool down after it.

#4 Choose the right running shoes

Running longer distances requires running in shoes that are comfortable and supportive.
Running shoes should support your feet while running and be flexible and durable.

#5 Improve your running form

Running form is vital to prevent running injuries. It will also help you stay strong and healthy as a runner.

To see what can be done to improve your running form,

#6 Limit your weight training

If you are a heavyweight trainer and often feel tired and sluggish, it could be an indication that your weight training needs should be reduced.

Two strength training sessions per week is a good goal. Reducing the number of heavy leg exercises in your workout routine is also essential.

You should combine strength training and running by doing the strength workout right after your run.

When I go for a run, why does it hurt my teeth?

You may notice your teeth hurting more when you run if you are like many others. This is not an illusion. There’s a scientific explanation for it!
Your sinuses are likely to have increased blood flow and pressure. This is the most common reason your teeth hurt when you run. This can cause discomfort and put pressure on your teeth.

Tooth pain during exercise: Causes

Tooth pain caused by increased blood flow can be caused by running. However, other causes include clenching, dental sensitivity, gum disease, cracked teeth, and sinus problems.

Clenching Teeth (Bruxism).

People often clench their teeth while running, especially when it’s their first time. This can cause pain in your jaw and teeth. Running on asphalt or pavement can cause more severe pain by clenching your jaw.

Dental Sensitivity

Even a slight increase in blood flow could cause discomfort in your teeth if you have dental sensitivity. Running or walking in cold conditions could cause tooth pain.

Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease).

Tooth pain can also be caused by gum disease. Gum disease can cause pain and inflammation through increased blood flow. To prevent further damage, you should discuss this with your dentist.

Cracked Teeth

Even a slight pressure on a chipped tooth can cause pain.

Sinus Problems

Sinus problems can lead to pain in the teeth due to increased blood flow.

How to Prevent Tooth Pain from Exercise

S to your dentist if you are experiencing pain. They can help determine the cause of the pain and offer treatment. Here are some tips to reduce pain.

Use a mouthguard

A mouth guard can secure your teeth from pressure if you clench your teeth while running. Talk to your dentist about the best mouthguard for you.

Keep your mouth shut.

When you are running, keep your mouth shut if you can. This will reduce pressure on your teeth. You can also change your breathing to allow you to breathe in through your nose and out through the mouth. This will keep your teeth healthy and prevent cold inhales.

Avoid running on asphalt or pavement.

Try to run on grass or dirt trails. This will cause less discomfort for your teeth.

Do not run in cold conditions.

You may feel pain if you run in cold conditions while keeping your mouth closed.

Keep in Touch with Your Dentist

Identifying the root cause of tooth pain and then finding a solution is compulsory. A visit to your dentist will help you address the problem and provide a solution.

Running Has Many Advantages


Running is beneficial to your health.

Whether you believe it or not, running is a fantastic way to improve your overall health and fitness level. Running, according to research, can help you raise your levels of good cholesterol while also increasing your lung function and usage. Aside from that, running has been shown to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of developing blood clots.

It has the ability to prevent disease.

Running can actually help to lower your risk of developing breast cancer in women, according to research. It can also help to lower the risk of having a stroke by lowering blood pressure. Running is now recommended by many doctors for people who are in the early stages of diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis, and it has been shown to help reduce the risk of having a heart attack in those who do it. Heart attack risk can be significantly reduced by assisting the arteries in retaining their elasticity and by strengthening the cardiovascular system.

It’s possible that you will lose weight.

Running is one of the most effective forms of exercise for shedding or maintaining a healthy weight over time. You will discover that it is an excellent way to burn calories and that it is the second most effective exercise in terms of calories burned per minute, only second to cross-country skiing in terms of calories burned per minute.

It increases your self-confidence to go for a run.

Not all of the advantages of running are purely physical in nature. Getting out and running can give you a noticeable boost in your self-esteem and confidence. Putting goals in place and achieving them can assist you in developing a greater sense of self-efficacy, which will leave you feeling much happier.

It helps to alleviate stress.

Stress has been shown to be associated with a variety of health and mood problems. It can also have a negative impact on appetite and sleep quality. When you run, you are forcing your body to expend excess energy and hormones to keep up with you. Stress headaches can be prevented by engaging in regular physical activity.

Running has the ability to help people overcome depression.

When you are depressed, getting up and going for a run is probably the last thing on your mind. In spite of this, you will find that after only a few minutes of running, your brain will begin to secrete hormones that will naturally improve your disposition. In fact, there are few things on the planet that are as effective or as quick at treating depression as regular exercise, such as running.

In athletics, what exactly are track events?


Track and field competitions are among the oldest of all sporting competitions, dating back to prehistoric times and transcending cultures and civilisations alike. Although historical evidence on the origins of athletics competitions is still sparse, it is generally agreed that these competitions have been held since the Ancient Olympic Games in Greece, which took place in 776 BC, are the earliest known instances of them.

A limited number of events, such as a 180m sprint across the length of the stadium, were included in the first Games; however, the number of events has since increased to include at least 12 track events, 8 field events, and three events that combine track and field components. The majority of athletes tend to specialise in a single event, striving for perfection in that event.

Combined Track and Field Competitions

The combined track and field events known as the decathlon, heptathlon, and pentathlon were popular among athletes in the 1960s and 1970s, respectively. They would earn points for participating in each event, which would add up to a final score.

The following is a synopsis of these events taken together:

  • Track events for men in the decathlon include the 100m, 400m, 1500m, and 110m hurdles.
  • Events in the field include: long jump, high jump, pole vault, shot put, discus throw, and javelin throw.
  • Track events for the women’s heptathlon include the 200m, 800m, and 100m hurdles.
  • Field events include the long jump, the high jump, the shot put, and the javelin throw.
  • Track events in the men’s heptathlon include the 60m, 1000m, and 60m hurdles.
  • Field events include the long jump, the high jump, the pole vault, and the shot put.
  • Track events in the women’s pentathlon include the 800m run and the 60m hurdles.
  • Field events include the long jump, the high jump, and the shot put.

Track and field events in athletics: types, rules, and interesting facts

Athletes compete in track and field competitions in one of three categories: events that require them to run on a track over a defined distance; running events that include obstacles placed on the track; and relay competitions. While track events are typically associated with competitions held inside a stadium, other distance events that require participants to run on roads have been added to the schedule.

Track events are typically straightforward – you simply run from point A to point B in the shortest amount of time possible. Those unfamiliar with athletics, on the other hand, may be perplexed as to what the distinction is between the events, aside from the distance involved.

As a result, here is a general rundown of the fundamentals of track events that you should be aware of.

Track competitions are classified into several categories.

Short-distance sprints are defined as bursts of rapid acceleration over short distances. As a result, due to the anaerobic nature of the event, sprinters typically require more muscle mass than their long-distance counterparts.

Sprinters with illustrious careers and World Records

Usain Bolt holds the world records in the 100m (9.58 seconds), 200m (19.19 seconds), and 4 x 100m relay (37.04 seconds). The nine-time Olympic gold medalist won gold in the 100m, 200m, and 4 x 100m relay events at three consecutive Olympic Games, including the 2008 Beijing Games.

Longer than sprints and up to 3000m in length, middle distance events are the most common type of event. Because it necessitates both endurance and strength, they are frequently referred to as the most difficult of the running events. Middle-distance runners appear leaner than sprinters and slightly more muscular than long-distance runners, according to the photographs.

7 Fast Running Tips for Beginners

Are you looking for effective running tips? In luck, here are some beginner running tips to get you started on your run! Check out this article to learn how to build your pace and improve running performance.

When you’re new to running, you’ll need a few running tips to get started. The running tips below for beginners are designed to help you build speed, increase endurance, and help you avoid injury. Follow them so that you can safely start running programs.

Beginners Running Tip 1: It’s Never Too Late to Start Running

Running is great exercise and exercise is good for the body. This will give you more energy, reduce your chances of developing heart disease and cancer, make you sleep better and feel more rested, and help you lose weight. These are just some of the benefits you can get from regular exercise habits. So no matter your age, it’s never too late to start!

Beginner Running Tip 2: Visit the Doctor

Don’t get too excited! Before you start your running program, make it a point to visit your doctor to make sure that running is safe for you. If you have a certain medical condition, for example, obesity, heart problems, breathing problems or chronic fatigue, then make sure you get approval from your doctor to ensure that running won’t be a health hazard.

Beginner Running Tip 3: Use running programs

As a beginner, you need to start slow and learn all the basics. Don’t rush into training you as it’s very important to slowly build up your pace and improve your running performance. The beginner running program is designed to help you slowly build your pace, improve your fitness, lose weight and avoid injuries.

Beginner Running Tip 4: Start with a running / walking program

As per the previous tip, it’s wise to start slow and learn the basics first. Most basic running programs involve more walking than running. You don’t want to run too fast too fast and increase your risk of physical injury, right?

Beginner Running Tip 5: Listen to your body

As a runner, it is normal to experience some muscle and body aches. Your body is getting used to the exercises, muscles suddenly start working after years of inactivity. It is normal to have some pain. However, when you feel dizzy, or when you experience pain in your chest area, back or sharp pain in your legs, stop running immediately and get some rest! Don’t keep running until the pain stops. If pain lingers, check with your doctor as soon as possible. Listen to your body and don’t overwork – learn when to stop and rest.

Beginner Running Tip 6: Set goals and celebrate progress

Set goals for yourself to keep yourself motivated. Whether you want to lose weight, aim to join a marathon, run 1km, or increase your running time, constantly challenge yourself and you will feel good about yourself when you reach your goal.

Beginner Running Tip 7: Warm up and cool down

Warm up by taking a brisk trip and some stretching before going fast. It is important to do this so that your heart and feet can properly adjust. Relax at the end of your run by running at a slow pace or walking, and then stretch. This will increase your recovery rate and reduce muscle soreness.

These beginner running tips teach you the basics. They will help you to start your run properly and with the right safety measures. Although running is seen as as simple as putting one foot in front of the other, make sure you learn everything there is to know about running so that you do it as safely and effectively as possible.

Best Training for Runners

Not by training more days you will increase faster. Rest days are key to preventing the risk of injury and so that your body can assimilate your training. Without rest, there is no improvement. The advantages of t …

Not by training more days you will increase faster. Rest days are key to preventing the risk of injury and so that your body can assimilate your training. Without rest, there is no improvement. Over training can result in injuries like tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, iliotibial band syndrome, etc.

Or elite athletes train 7 days a week.

If you’re a popular broker recommends trains between three and four days a week, and never more than 4 days in a row. Don’t increase the total number of kilometers a week to more than 10%. Either can’t or you have to train every day to stop; You have to put together a comfortable shot and train only vigorously when he’s playing. Don’t do long shots either yesterday or any subsequent series work, nor are two days followed by a draw or a change of pace.

 The week’s vigorous training race is just coincidence, helping you tire out. Don’t do intense workouts this week and rest on Thursdays and Fridays and make a smooth 20 ‘Saturday trot with quality stretches. Sundays should wake up full strength and excited to run.

 If your body asks you to do more exercise on rest days, the more kilometers you can always switch by swimming, skating, mountain biking, pitch etc. In addition, you will compensate and strengthen muscle groups that you don’t normally work with leg races.

If you are an intermediate / advanced level corridor, and walk more than three days per week, see Control you not sobreentrenado. Slower than usual recovery after heart rate training is a symptom of overtraining.


Unless your level is less than 40 minutes in 10 km or less than 3 hours in a marathon, you should take at least 2 or 3 rest days per week. It will practice between 4 or 5 days maximum per week.

Once a week do speed training to increase your aerobic power (a week series 10x400m short type and another series 3x3000m long type for example).

Once a week is also doing the long term, without spending two hours.

The rest after a day of series matters, as is the case after a long shoot. Allow one day of rest or as many soft shots as about 40 ‘over 5’ km.

 At least seven hours, 8 hours of sleep is ideal. Growth hormone that helps regenerate muscles is produced during the deep sleep phase. If you can’t afford a nap, then a phenomenal double dose of growth hormone!

Finally, every time you sign up for a training session, you must adhere to recovery times which require our different systems to assimilate and produce the necessary adjustments before the next session. If you do not respect this time the emperor’s physical condition. The key is planning recovery to produce the necessary adaptations in any training load application. Tells you here represent recommended to respect the minimum time between each load according to the capacity you have worked.

Aerobic capacity:

24 hours capacity Aerobic: 48-72 hours Average: 36-48 hours Maximum force: 48-72 hours Muscular resistance: 24-48 hours Flexibility: 24 hours

I suggest that you don’t fall into an obsession with running, making the activities that you begin to get fit and fun, one more of the stressful activities in your life. Enjoy the fun of running.