Best Training for Runners

Not by training more days you will increase faster. Rest days are key to preventing the risk of injury and so that your body can assimilate your training. Without rest, there is no improvement. The advantages of t …

Not by training more days you will increase faster. Rest days are key to preventing the risk of injury and so that your body can assimilate your training. Without rest, there is no improvement. Over training can result in injuries like tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, iliotibial band syndrome, etc.

Or elite athletes train 7 days a week.

If you’re a popular broker recommends trains between three and four days a week, and never more than 4 days in a row. Don’t increase the total number of kilometers a week to more than 10%. Either can’t or you have to train every day to stop; You have to put together a comfortable shot and train only vigorously when he’s playing. Don’t do long shots either yesterday or any subsequent series work, nor are two days followed by a draw or a change of pace.

 The week’s vigorous training race is just coincidence, helping you tire out. Don’t do intense workouts this week and rest on Thursdays and Fridays and make a smooth 20 ‘Saturday trot with quality stretches. Sundays should wake up full strength and excited to run.

 If your body asks you to do more exercise on rest days, the more kilometers you can always switch by swimming, skating, mountain biking, pitch etc. In addition, you will compensate and strengthen muscle groups that you don’t normally work with leg races.

If you are an intermediate / advanced level corridor, and walk more than three days per week, see Control you not sobreentrenado. Slower than usual recovery after heart rate training is a symptom of overtraining.


Unless your level is less than 40 minutes in 10 km or less than 3 hours in a marathon, you should take at least 2 or 3 rest days per week. It will practice between 4 or 5 days maximum per week.

Once a week do speed training to increase your aerobic power (a week series 10x400m short type and another series 3x3000m long type for example).

Once a week is also doing the long term, without spending two hours.

The rest after a day of series matters, as is the case after a long shoot. Allow one day of rest or as many soft shots as about 40 ‘over 5’ km.

 At least seven hours, 8 hours of sleep is ideal. Growth hormone that helps regenerate muscles is produced during the deep sleep phase. If you can’t afford a nap, then a phenomenal double dose of growth hormone!

Finally, every time you sign up for a training session, you must adhere to recovery times which require our different systems to assimilate and produce the necessary adjustments before the next session. If you do not respect this time the emperor’s physical condition. The key is planning recovery to produce the necessary adaptations in any training load application. Tells you here represent recommended to respect the minimum time between each load according to the capacity you have worked.

Aerobic capacity:

24 hours capacity Aerobic: 48-72 hours Average: 36-48 hours Maximum force: 48-72 hours Muscular resistance: 24-48 hours Flexibility: 24 hours

I suggest that you don’t fall into an obsession with running, making the activities that you begin to get fit and fun, one more of the stressful activities in your life. Enjoy the fun of running.

About author

Miriam Szymanski